Financial Services Regulation

Simonsen Vogt Wiig's Financial Services Regulatory group has extensive experience assisting clients on all matters pertaining to financial services regulation.

The financial services industry in Norway faces an increas­ingly complex regulatory landscape. The continuous need to harmonize EU rules and regulations with Norwegian law adds additional layers of complexity to this already complex landscape and makes it more difficult than ever to navigate.

Our Financial Services Reg­u­la­tory group advises all types of players in the financial services industry, including financial institutions, insurance companies, investment firms, investment funds, on mat­ters pertaining to financial services regulatory legislation. Our services typically relate to fund­ing issues, licensing and com­pli­ance issues, as well as issues pertaining to the day-to-day man­age­ment of the institutions in question.

The Financial Services Regulatory group also assists the asset man­age­ment com­mu­nity extensively, includ­ing Nor­we­gian secu­ri­ties funds and other types of invest­ment man­age­ment struc­tures, on matters pertaining to financial services regulation.

The group assists a number of foreign financial institutions as well, hereunder more than 30 for­eign invest­ment funds.

Sources point to the results-focused client service as a key strength.

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