
The whistleblower must be protected

The new EU Whistleblower Directive is currently under consideration in the Ministry. If the Directive is implemented in Norway, strict requirements will be imposed on whistleblowing systems for businesses with over 250 employees. Simonsen Vogt Wiig has partnered with WhistleB, a leading global whistleblowing service provider, to offer an innovative, user-friendly and safe notification system to our clients.

SVW assists with investigations and whistleblowing cases, both in the public and private sector. We have seen the major benefits that businesses get from deploying a digital whistleblowing system. Firstly, it shows that the company takes whistleblowing seriously; especially when the rollout of the system is implemented in dialogue with the elected representatives and with a focus on the business’ culture of expression. Secondly, a high-quality system will ensure correct handling of whistleblowing cases. And thirdly, the right system will meet all the requirements of the new Whistleblower Directive, which may be introduced in Norway during the course of the year.

As we have seen this coming, SVW has established a partnership with WhistleB, one of the leading companies in its field that offers a 100% digital whistleblowing system. WhistleB meets all statutory requirements and focuses on maximum safety whistleblowers. SVW receives the whistleblower’s report and ensures that it is channeled to the correct authority in the company. We further offer to conduct the actual investigation of the report.

Lill Egeland, partner in SVW Oslo: With our partnership with WhistleB – a system for whistleblowing cases – we now have a great addition to our legal services. We provide legal advice, investigation, a whistleblowing system or a combination thereof. It gives customers the flexibility to choose whichever option is best suited to their needs. The most important thing is that, in line with our digitization strategy, we offer both legal services and digital products.

Feel free to contact us for a chat about how SVW can help you and your business.


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See how WhistleB works.


The Whistleblower Directive

Whistleblower Directive