Help with procurement
How is a public contract awarded? Which award criteria are assessed? What kind of evaluation methods are used? When awarding procurements, many factors come into play. By using Simonsen Vogt Wiig's application, you can calculate your weighted score at the end of the evaluation.

The transparency app
On the 1st of July 2022, the Transparency Act entered into force in Norway and may entail a number of new obligations for larger enterprises. Would you like to know if your business is affected by the Transparency Act? Answer a handful of questions in the Transparency app and get an initial assessment.

Downsizing and terminations are part of working life. It can often be difficult to assess what steps you as an employer can take and how the process should be handled. Simonsen Vogt Wiig provides a digital self-service for businesses that are going to downsize.

Termination due to performance failure
Are you an employer and need help to assess whether there is a legal termination due to performance failure? There are often some common features in such cases, so we have created a digital service that gives you an initial assessment of the termination, and recommendations for the way forward