Christian Reusch is specialised in Dispute Resolution.
Christian has been a leading lawyer with the Office of the Attorney General, having had professional and personnel responsibility from 2008. He had the professional responsibility for civil procedures, the laws relating to compulsory acquisition, pollution/environment, law of torts, constitutional law and human rights.
Christian has wide experience from litigating before the district courts, courts of appeal and the Supreme Court. He has litigated approximately 25 appeals before the Supreme Court (in panels, the Grand Chamber or plenary sessions) as legal counsel or as legal assistant.
He has been agent for the European Court of Human Rights and litigated before the Grand Chamber in the European Court of Human Rights in January 2016 in a case versus Norway (app.nos. 24130/11 and 29758/11), where Norway won the case.
Chambers and PartnersChristian Reusch provides solid guidance throughout, and shows a strong awareness of the commercial and other aspects of the case. He also shows great flexibility and creativity with regard to solving issues that arise.
Chambers and PartnersHe shows outstanding quality in structuring litigation cases and presenting them in and out of court.
Legal 500Christian Reusch – magnificent capability to identify relevant legal issues and sort out unnecessary issues presented by counterpart. Capable to listen and take into account client’s commercial interest.
Legal 500Christian Reusch provides outstanding clear advice, structure and presentation in front of the court.
2017 | - | (today) | Partner, Advokatfirmaet Simonsen Vogt Wiig AS |
1999 | - | 2017 | Senior Associate, Office of the Attorney General |
2011 | - | 2013 | Specialist director, Office of the Prime Minister |
1999 | - | 2001 | Secretary for the Dispute Act Committee (an expert, law committee) |
1997 | - | 1999 | Legal investigator, The Supreme Court |
1995 | - | 1997 | Deputy Judge, Sandefjord City Court (now District Court) |
2003 | Admitted to The Supreme Court | ||
1995 | Cand. Jur., University of Oslo | ||
1991 | Officers' training school for infantry regiment, South Norway |
2019 | - | (today) | Chairman of the Norwegian Bar Association's Law Committee on Civil Procedure and Arbitration |
2019 | - | (today) | Chariman of the board Den Norske Turistforening and DNT Oslo og Akershus [the National Tourist Association and the local association for Oslo and Akershus] |
2017 | - | 2019 | Leader of Law Committee to prepare new legislation on national archives etc (appointed by the government) |
2016 | Member of the Lysne II Committee reviewing the Digital Boundary Defence | ||
2015 | - | (today) | Member of the Reference Group for The Dispute Resolution Forum at the Faculty of Law, University of Oslo |
- Ærede rett! Crash course in conduct of a caseNisja, Reusch, Shetelig (2019), Universitetsforlaget
- Retten er satt [Court is in session] (guidelines/introduction in practical court proceedings)medforfatter, (2019)
- Co-writer of Tvisteloven – kommentarutgave [Commentaries to the Dispute Act]medforfatter
- Tvisteloven on Gyldendal Rettsdata (former. Karnov/Norsk lovkommentar)delansvarlig
- You must spend time on saving more time later! How to manage civil action included in Rettsavklaring og rettsutvikling [Clarification and development of the law]Festschrift to Tore Schei, ( 2016)
- How to become a good trial lawyer (barrister)(01‐02/2015), Jussens Venner
- Book review of Anne Robberstad: Sivilprosess [Civil procedures](01/2010), Tidsskrift for Rettsvitenskap
- Guidelines to the Act on Natural Areas in Oslo and surroundingBugge, Reusch (2010), Oslo og Omland friluftsråd
- Review of administrative decisions by a court of law – new clarificationsNisja, Reusch (04/2009), Jussens Venner
- Book review of Jens Edvin A. Skoghøy: Nytt i ny tvistelov [What is new in the new Dispute Act?](03/2008), Tidsskrift for Rettsvitenskap
- Forliksrådet (The Conciliation Board)medforfatter, (2. utg. 2008)
- Book review of Eric Byland – Muntlighetsprincipen – En rättsvetenskaplig studie av processuella handläggingsformer i svensk rätt [Principle of orality – A legal study of types of hearings in Swedish law](04/2007), Tidsskrift for Rettsvitenskap
- Legal points of view and practice of the State in nature conservation issues( 08-09/2006), Lov og Rett
- Two Supreme Court rulings relating to the Creditors Security Act Section 5-9 – some observations included in Ånd og rett [Spirit and law]Festschrift til Birger Stuevold Lassen, (1997)
- Who is responsible after the accidents in the mountainsFrisak, Reusch, Vandrer med verdenskart [Hiker with a map of the world] – Festschrift to Øystein Dahle