EU, EEA and Competition Law
The team also works extensively with state aid and EU- and EEA-regulatory issues.
We assist clients with all types of competition law cases, including merger control notifications in Norway and Brussels. Our team handles dawn raids, leniency matters, bid-rigging cases, cartels, and competition law litigation.
The team has assisted in many dominance cases and cartel investigations. Exclusive and selective distribution, cooperation agreements, joint venture creation, project collaboration, and franchise are also areas where the team advises.
We advice covers many sectors, hereunder telecommunications, broadcasting and content distribution, e-commerce, shipping, aviation, production, mobility, traditional commerce, etc.
A broad team with overlapping areas of knowledge. Speeding up actions and also securing discussions around interpretations.
Strong knowledge about EU law and policies.
Our advice includes, among other things:
The team has been involved in several complicated state aid cases, and regularly assists in this area. Transport, broadcasting, transport, and infrastructure projects are some of the key areas.
We assist both in complaints to ESA and in connection with notification and approval of public support. The team also litigated state aid cases before the courts, including the EFTA Court.
The team has assisted in many cases that affect the EEA Agreement’s rules of free movement of goods, services, and capital, both under primary law (Treaty) and secondary legislation (directives and regulations).
We advise in matters before the EFTA Surveillance Authority in Brussels regularly. The lawyers on the team have litigated numerous cases before the EFTA Court and the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg.