Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A)

Simonsen Vogt Wiig's M&A team has the competence, resources, experience and drive to deliver first class, effective and commercially-oriented assistance.

We handle deals from simple one-to-one private transactions to the large, cross-border, transformational corporate transactions and complex public takeovers.

Our teams are tailor made for the deal with respect to size, complexity and in-depth sector knowledge, and we ensure that all relevant areas of law are covered. We offer class leading and efficient support at all stages, from the initial project review, to strategy, structuring, drafting and negotiations and all the way through to the post-acquisition implementation.

Our team assists industrial players, private equity funds, issuers and owners and we have a number of investment banks and publicly listed enterprises among our clients.

We advise on acquisitions, mergers, demergers, corporate restructurings, share issues and IPOs, public takeovers and bids, as well as regulatory and compliance matters, and we have considerable expertise in stock exchange, securities, company and commercial law.

Our team has reported an increasing order volume and presence in the Norwegian transaction market in recent years, especially in the firm’s key sectors Communications, IT and Media, Aviation, Oil and Gas, and Shipping. This is reflected in higher rankings and visibility according to recognized ranking bureaus such as Legal 500, Chambers and Partners and MergerMarket.

Highly alert and efficient team.

Legal 500

The lawyers perform their work with good commercial understanding and awareness.

Chambers and Partners

Our advice includes, among other things:

Mergers and Demergers

Our expe­ri­ence, com­bined with out­stand­ing qual­i­fi­ca­tions and high effi­ciency, ensures that our clients always have the best and most effi­cient solutions. At the same time we gain from the wide exper­tise avail­able in the other depart­ments, which enables us to deal with any spe­cial issues that might arise in con­nec­tion with merg­ers and demerg­ers. Our trans­ac­tion lawyers ensure that resources from our other depart­ments are avail­able when­ever required.


Our trans­ac­tion lawyers have advised in con­nec­tion with some of the larger restruc­tur­ings of Nor­we­gian com­pa­nies. Restruc­tur­ing can take many forms — opti­mi­sa­tion of exist­ing activ­ity, arrang­ing for pro­jected trans­fer or down-sale, or tax optimisation. In recent years we’ve also assisted fam­ily busi­nesses, arrang­ing for alter­na­tion of gen­er­a­tions and have assisted with the tran­si­tion to the next generation.

These types of restruc­tur­ings require an over­all and thor­ough assess­ment of all rel­e­vant aspects and effects of all options in order to the find the best model. Based on our size and com­pre­hen­sive com­pe­tence in all legal fields we work to find the solu­tion that works best for our clients.