We will discuss:

  • The legal frame­work for non-compete clauses in the UK, Den­mark and Norway
  • Strate­gies for enforce­ment in each coun­try and across borders
  • Non-compete clauses with employee share­hold­ers e.g. in an acqui­si­tion context

The sem­i­nar is rel­e­vant whether you oper­ate in one, two or all three of these coun­tries. It is aimed at senior man­age­ment and in-house coun­sel. The speak­ers are Katie Williams of Pin­sent Masons LLP, Lise Lau­rid­sen of Bruun & Hje­jle and Lill Ege­land of Simon­sen Vogt Wiig. They will be avail­able before and after the sem­i­nar for discussion.


Thurs 28 May  Bruun & Hje­jle
8:30am Break­fast & reg­is­tra­tion, 9:00am Start, 10:30am Finish.
Nør­re­gade 21, 1165 Copen­hagen K, Den­mark (get direc­tions here)


Thurs 4  June Simon­sen Vogt Wiig
8:30am Break­fast & reg­is­tra­tion, 9:00am Start, 10:30am Finish.
Fil­ip­stad Brygge 1, P.O.Box 2043 Vika, NO-0125 Oslo (get direc­tions here)


Tues 16 June Pin­sent Masons
8:00am Break­fast & reg­is­tra­tion, 8:30am Start, 10:00am Finish.
13 Queen’s Road, Aberdeen AB15 4YL (get direc­tions here)


Lill Ege­land Asso­ciate part­ner, employ­ment law +47 21 95 56 24 lce@svw.no