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Chambers Global Practice Guide - Energy: Oil & Gas 2022

Simonsen Vogt Wiig's Oil & gas team has contributed to the Norway chapter of the 2022 Chambers and Partners Global Practice Energy Guide: Oil & Gas section, an annual series of Energy guides from top-ranked lawyers across the globe.

The 2022 Chambers Global Practice Guide: Oil & Gas Law and Practice

The Simonsen Vogt Wiig Oil & Gas team, has contributed to the Chambers 2022 Global Practice Guide: Oil & Gas Law and Practice by writing the Norway chapter. It describes the legal framework for the upstream petroleum sector in Norway in addition to the most important developments of the framework during the past year. The guide provides a thorough overview of practical legal issues affecting business involved in petroleum activities on the Norwegian continental shelf and enables investors and other industry stakeholders to compare legislation and procedure across a range of key jurisdictions.

The 2022 Chambers Global Practice Guide: Oil & Gas Trends & Developments

The Simonsen Vogt Wiig Oil & Gas team has contributed to the Norway chapter of Chambers 2022 Global Practice Guide “Trends and Developments”, released by Chambers & Partners. In the article, the Oil & Gas team discusses some of the effects to recent changes to the regulatory and fiscal policies applicable to the upstream petroleum sector in Norway, in particular in response to the energy security situation in Europe resulting from the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. The article emphasises the role of NCS activities in the energy supply to Europe, the energy transition, including offshore wind, CCS and hydrogen production projects.

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