Hjem / Innsikt / DPC Forum: GDPR – experiences so far

DPC Forum: GDPR – experiences so far

It gives Advokatfirmaet Simonsen Vogt Wiig great pleasure to invite participants to our Data Protection Compliance Forum on Thursday, November 29th 2018.
Security Camera on Building

The focus of this seminar will be on the experiences that Datatilsynet and our clients have had implementing the GDPR, and on what we expect to come. We are fortunate to have with us Martha Eike, who is specialist director in Datatilsynet.

Time: Thursday 29 November, 08.00-10.00
Place: Simonsen Vogt Wiig, Filipstad Brygge 1, 0252 Oslo


Datatilsynet’s experiences
By Martha Eike

• Data Breach Notifications
• Prior Consultations
• Complaints
• Code of conducts
• Etc.

Experiences and legal update
By the Simonsen Vogt Wiig privacy team

Registration and breakfast/coffee from 08:00, the seminar starts at 08:30. The seminar is free. Seats are limited.

For more information about the Data Protection Compliance Forum, please use this link.

Please submit your registration by 26 November.