Hjem / Innsikt / Simonsen Vogt Wiig has been ranked #1 within FinTech in Norway for the fifth consecutive year

Simonsen Vogt Wiig has been ranked #1 within FinTech in Norway for the fifth consecutive year

Chambers and Partners has published their FinTech 2023 Legal Guide to Norway, and we are very proud to share that Simonsen Vogt Wiig continues as the only top-ranked law firm in Norway.
Earth globe against a bright background

In the guide, Chambers notes:

«I choose to work with them because they are the most active in the scale-up and startup community; they have compassion for new market entrants; and are passionate and know all the domain experts for money and payment institutions.”» says an interviewee.

Another interviewee adds: «They are able to quickly understand the technological, economical, and legal aspects. They have competence in the relevant legal areas and the interaction between them. They are quick to respond to requests and complete the assessments.»

Our partners Espen Tøndel and Morten Winther defend their individual Band 1 rankings. The individual reviews states:

Espen Tøndel has a wealth of experience in negotiating large procurement transactions in the technology sector. He also has significant expertise in mobile payments, where he acts for established players and startups entering the Norwegian market. «He is probably the top tech lawyer in the country. He is at the forefront of the legal side of innovation. » – FinTech Legal client.

Morten Wilhelm Winther is widely recognised for his expertise in financial regulatory law. He has extensive experience advising clients in respect of the regulatory implications of PSD2. A source notes: «He is an expert in payments services and serves some of the larger players in that segment.»

Chambers FinTech Guide was published for the first time in 2018, and the 2023 edition covers more than 40 jurisdictions including Norway.

Find the full guide here.